• Challenges

    Why use challenges?

    • get more practice in algorithm development
    • learn GIT
    • learn Make

    What are the challenges?

    How to submit a solution to the challenges?

    • some general steps:
      1. sign up for a Github account; it should be free
      2. we will be using the Fork & Pull model
      3. fork the challenge repository (e.g. https://github.com/ee160-uh-manoa/maze-solver)
      4. clone your forked repository to your workspace (e.g. Cloud9 workspace)
      5. update the forked repository with your code (e.g. zhaol_12345678.solver) using GIT, make, and C
      6. test your updates locally before uploading (aka pushing) your code to your forked repository
      7. submit a pull request with your code (e.g. zhaol_12345678.solver)
      8. view the results (e.g. results for maze-solver)
      9. resubmit if you want to
    • some general rules and guidelines:
      • nothing should be hard coded
        • your code must solve all of the given cases (i.e. all 3 mazes)
        • your code should be generic enough to solve any new cases that might be added (i.e. your code should solve any possible maze configuration)
      • don't modify another student's submitted file
      • you can submit multiple times and make multiple submssions; just be sure to name each submission differently (e.g. zhaol_12345678_2.solver)
      • there will be a results folder that will tell you how your code (i.e. your solver function for the maze challege) performed against other submissions
      • submissions can be anonymous
      • it is okay to look at other student's submission to understand how they have solved the problem so you can then improve upon it
      • each challenge's page (e.g. maze-solver) will give more details for the specific challenge