• Classifying a value

    At the end of this problem you should submit to Laulima:

    • a file named UHusername_classifying_a_value.c
    • example:

      • zhaol_classifying_a_value.c
    • Create a program that will accept a number and then print a message depending on it's value and also print out the value of the entered number
      Here are some addition requirements:
      • [value] = the value of the entered number
      • if the value is less than 0, then print out
        You've entered [value], and it is a negative number.
        • example:
          You've entered -1.1, and it is a negative number.
      • if the value is (equal and greater than 0) and also (equal and less than 100), then print out
        You've entered [value], and it is a valid exam score.
        • example:
          You've entered 80.12, and it is a valid exam score.
      • if the value is greater than 100, then print out
        You've entered [value], and it is an invalid exam score.
        • example:
          You've entered 151.4, and it is an invalid exam score.
      • the program must handle decimal numbers and negative numbers
  • Comparing two values

    At the end of this problem you should submit to Laulima:

    • a file named UHusername_comparing_two_values.c
    • example:

      • zhaol_comparing_two_values.c
    • Create a program that will accept 2 numbers and then print the difference between the two numbers as well as a message depending on which number is greater
      Here are some addition requirements:
      • [difference] = the difference between the 2 values
      • if the first value is greater, then print out
        The first value is greater than the second value by [difference]
        • example:
          The first value is greater than the second value by 2.3."
      • if the second value is greater, then print out
        The second value is greater than the first value by [difference]
        • example:
          The seconde value is greater than the first value by 2.3
      • The difference should never be displayed as a negative number
        • this should not happen:
          The first value is greater than the first value by -2.3
      • if the first and second value are equal, then print out
        Both values are equal.
  • Classifying characters

    At the end of this problem you should submit to Laulima:

    • a file named UHusername_classifying_characters.c
    • example:

      • zhaol_classifying_characters.c
    • Create a program that will accept a character and then print out a message that contains the character and informs the user if the character is uppercase or lowercase
      Here are some addition requirements:
      • [character] = the character entered
      • if the character is uppercase, then print out
        You've entered "[character]", and it is uppercase.
        • example:
          You've entered "A", and it is uppercase.
      • if the character is lowercase, then print out
        You've entered "[character]", and it is lowercase.
        • example:
          You've entered "a", and it is lowercase.
      • if the is a special character like #, *, (, ^, or etc then print out
        You've entered an invalid character, "[character]".
        • example:
          You've entered an invalid character, "*".