• Teams

    Break into groups of 3:

    • Lab instructor will assign groups of 3
    • If the section can't be divided evenly then some groups will have 2 members
    • All labs will be submitted individually
    • Figure things out as a group, but learn individually
  • Workspaces

    Each student will give the lab instructor their workspace url (e.g. https://ide.c9.io/zhaol/ee160_lecture)

    • Lab instructor will ensure each student is using a private workspace
    • Lab instructor will ensure each student has bootstrapped their workspace correctly
      • wget -O - https://raw.githubusercontent.com/zhaol/ee160_scripts/master/bootstrap.rb | ruby
    • Lab instructor will record the each student's workspace URL into the shared Google Drive spreadsheet
    • When the lab instructor and class instructor request access to the student's private repository, please grant the instructors read/write access so the instructors can view and execute the student's code if and when the student needs help
    • It is up to each individual student if they want to give their group members or other classmates access to their private repositories; access can always be revoked later if special circumstances arise
  • Command Line

    If students have any issues using the command line interface, this is a great time to get comfortable with it by asking the lab instructor or your group members

      Make sure you can:
    • navigate through the folder structure using cd, pwd, and ls
    • manipulate files within the folders using touch, mv, cp, and rm
  • Hello World and Variables Assignments

    If students have any issues completing the Hello World (Homework Assignment 2.1) or Variables (Homework Assignment 3.1) assignments, please get help from the lab instructor or your group members so you can comfortably complete those assignments

      Make sure you can:
    • create (hello_world.c), compile (gcc), and run (./hello_world) a C program
    • comfortably use printf within the program