• Mini-Projects Enhancements

    The mini-project enhancements listed on this page are optional. If you do choose to implement them, please save off the original mini-projet and keep the enhanced mini-project in a separate folder from the original mini-project. The lab instructors are not required to grade or look over the enhanced mini-projects, but they may do so if they are not grading other original mini-projects and have time.

  • Hang Person Enhancement

    To enhance this mini-project, you can do any of the following:

    • have the program randomly pull from a file with a list of phrases and words instead of requiring a player to enter in a phrase or word
  • Road Trip Enhancement

    To enhance this mini-project, you can do any of the following:

    • implement the Viterbi algorithm to solve for the shortest path
      • the Viterbi algorithm, in a nutshell is:

        if you know that the shortest path from San Francisco to Chicago is through Salt Lake City, then you no longer need to keep track of the other paths, like:

        • San Francisco to Las Vegas to Chicago
        • San Francisco to Tucson to Chicago

      • the Viterbit Algorithm has many practical applications such as in communications; so instead of miles you are tracking the probability of a bit being correctly received
      • you can read more at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Viterbi_algorithm
  • Satellite Receiver

    To enhance this mini-project, you can do any of the following:

    • After the program has determined the "best" signal, have the program find the amount of time delay between the "best" signal and the exact signal
      • assume that all received signals can at most be received 1 second after it was sent, i.e. the maximum propagation delay is 1 second