• Algorithm Design

    What is an algorithm?:

    • a step-by-step procedure
    • every program is essentially a step-by-step procedure
    • so in essence algorithm design is designing your program

    Why is algorithm design important?:

    • fixing an algorithm is easier than fixing code
    • same reason why you make blueprints for a house before building it
    • by designing the entire algorithm before coding, you know ahead of time what to expect and can account for things that you wouldn't have though about
    • if you just start coding and find out later you needed to address new scenarios, then you have to go back to your code and put in "hacks", or quick changes that might not be the "correct" way of programming things
    • it is hard to think of every scenario beforehand, but thinking about the algorithm will at least flush out some things

    How to design an algorithm?:

    • start from the top and then go down; top-down approach
      • be generic
      • fill in the details after all the major steps are laid out
      • break the problem into smaller pieces
      • tackle smaller pieces individually
    • start from the bottom and then go up; bottom-up approach
      • start with a particular functionality
      • code first and test code often
      • add new functionality and code onto existing code
      • grow the program to include more pieces and capabilities
    • in practice, it will be a mixture of these 2 approaches

    An example algorithm for getting milk from the grocery store:

    • If you like to think in words:
        drive to the store
        buy the milk
        drive home
    • If you like to think in pictures:
    • The details that were left out:
      • turn on the car
      • take out your wallet
      • etc.
    • The top-down approach would be to:
      • break the task of "getting milk from the grocery store" into smaller pieces, like "drive to the store", etc.
    • The bottom-up approach would be to:
      • develop the task of "drive to the store"
      • after developing "drive to the store", "buy the milk" can be developed an added on
  • Develop Algorithm for Doing Homework

  • Develop Algorithm for Crossing an Intersection with Traffic Lights

  • Develop Algorithm for Sorting Numbers

  • Assignment

    Homework Problem 7.1, at the end of this problem you should submit to Laulima:

    • a file named UHusername_07_1.algorithm


      • zhaol_07_1.algorithm
    • Develop the algorithm for your solution to Homework Problem 6.1 (though the algorithm should have been done before the coding):